Rules of thumb clicker heroes
Rules of thumb clicker heroes

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You’re already lucky to exist in the blue part, not the black part. Shatner’s rule gives you all the motivation you need. Now back on earth, he realizes he’s on the same side as life, not death. But when he was in space he says you look down on earth and it’s this blue glow that signals life. He thinks that being in space is what death must feel like. He has a bulletproof man persona that can only be penetrated with the sudden bankruptcy of Amazon. Jeff doesn’t perform well around emotion.

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When he returned to earth, Jeff conducted an awkward interview full of emotion.

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Recently Shatner got a free ride on Jeff Bezos’ huge rocket ship. William Shatner is the face of Star Trek. The decision to be kind and solve global problems is easy then. Pretend you get the opposite of this life in the next life. I’ll have to find a way to walk miles to get a bucket of water and risk getting a deadly disease when I go to quench my thirst. If I don’t help to solve it then it will plague me in the next life. This way of thinking helps me see poverty and famine as my problem. Therefore, in the next life I’m going to live in poverty without an internet connection. My rule of thumb is I’ve been born in the western world and compared to places like Africa, I come from extreme privilege. I use the lack of certainty about whether death is the end to keep me humble today. At least give yourself a chance to face your fear and level up because of it. You can always say no at the last minute if the challenge is too great. The message is to say yes to what scares you more often. Now obviously don’t go to this extreme and be around wannabe teenage samurai. But in a strange way I’m glad I saw my worst nightmare. If you’d have asked me whether I wanted to see the knife wounds and blood everywhere back then, the answer would be no. The uncomfortable visual has become a powerful life lesson. I learned so many lessons that night that have kept me safe. When I retell the story now it’s from the perspective of a superhero. A knife cutting through flesh like butter sounds similar to slicing through a lettuce.Īt the time the experience scared the crap out of me. We were having a good time and dancing to Dr Dre anthems like “Next Episode” in the main living room.Īll of a sudden a group of youths came through the front door with machetes and started slicing through humans like dead cows. Have you ever been in a scary situation and then retold the story years later? I told a friend recently about how when I was a teenager I went to a house party. What freaking hurts is where the growth is found. An excellent rule of thumb is to do what former Navy Seal Commander Jocko suggests. It’s easy to be biased towards the ones that are in your comfort zone. The “it freaking hurts” lawĮvery day opportunities get presented to us. Believing people are good by nature will help repair the damage, and let you make decisions about people faster. Give them enough rope to run with, without giving them so much rope that the odd crazy can use it to hang you with.

rules of thumb clicker heroes

Let them show you what they’re capable of. Assume people mean well until proven otherwise. Sure there are a few crazies - but if you build your life around the idea that everybody is crazy, you’ll go nuts yourself. People can easily set themselves up for failure when they fall for the lie that people are bad until proven otherwise. Rules of thumb (aka razors) help to automate decisions so you can gain back precious energy and use it to improve your life. I spend my life obsessively looking for energy leaks. That energy is taken away from our family, our ability to earn money, or our passion for hobbies. Every tiny decision requires precious energy.

Rules of thumb clicker heroes