Create a main menu in coppercube
Create a main menu in coppercube

Click the links in the menu to verify that the navigation is working. Browse to the website’s start page and verify that the top menu accurately displays the names of the pages in the top-level of the website structure.


NET help files.) You must explicitly data vind the menu list control by calling its DataBind() method, by placing the example code (in this topic) in the Page\_Load event in the code-behind file (where menu is the ID of your MenuList web control). NET concept and is documented in the Microsoft. Use data binding to access the property and use the retrieved information as part of the loading of a control.In the code-behind file set the control attribute Menu.PageLink to the PageReference.StartPage property. This provides a context to the menu control, indicating which pages it will display. A reference to the start page of the website is automatically available through the static StartPage property in the class. The PageLink attribute of the EPiServer:MenuList control should be made dynamic instead of using a hardcoded ID to the start page of the website.Pass in the correct CSS class to get the right look and feel ( CssClass="NormalLink"), by setting the CssClass attribute on the Property control.To create a new menu, go to Menu > Manage > Add New Menu Create a new Joomla menu Step 2: Creating a new menu item 1. If you don’t need to create another menu set, you can skip to step 2, and start adding new menu items directly to the main menu. This includes, but is not limited to: creating fake accounts, asking others to create accounts to vote for you, publicly spamming vote requests. A page link is displayed for all the pages in the page hierarchy under the start page. Step 1: Creating a new menu By default, Joomla already has a Main Menu. These recur for every page item that exists in the list. Add an item template around the CMS PageLink property.Set the PageLink attribute and the control ID, and see the code example in this topic. The PageLink attribute is set in the control’s code-behind file.In the MainMenu.ascx user control file, add the control with closing tags and give the control the ID value Menu.Add a new Optimizely Content Management System (CMS) web control to the project MainMenu in this example.In the menu list, display each page’s name as a link to that page use the built-in PageLink property of the current page. In web.config, set the variable pageStartId to the website’s start page ID.When the menu is complete, you can navigate to and from these pages. In edit view, add some pages under the website’s start page, such as: News, Documents, Examples and Events.Extend the Tasks pane with custom queriesĪ top-level navigational menu enables the user to navigate around the website easily.Ĭreate a main menu with EPiServer:MenuList as follows:.Hide or control access to customized components.Configure email notifications for content approvals.Integrate the CMP DAM Asset Picker into CMS.

create a main menu in coppercube create a main menu in coppercube create a main menu in coppercube

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  • Create a main menu in coppercube